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14th - High Level Expert Meeting (HLEM 2025) - Asphere Metrology


14th - High Level Expert Meeting (HLEM 2025) - Asphere Metrology
Mo, 24. März 2025 - Mi, 26. März 2025
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) - Braunschweig, Niedersachsen
Messen und Ausstellungen


14th - High Level Expert Meeting (HLEM 2025) - Asphere Metrology

In the field of asphere metrology, many new advancements were achieved, new measurement procedures were developed and precision was noticeably improved. In previous High-Level Expert Meetings (HLEM) and workshops, developers, manufacturers and users have confirmed the great interest in asphere metrology.

Please learn more about previous events by following links (Workshop 2024,HLEM 2023, HLEM 2022, HLEM 2021, HLEM 2019, HLEM 2018, HLEM 2017; Workshop 2016; HLEM 2015; HLEM 2013; Workshop 2012; HLEM 2012, HLEM 2010)

In order to manufacture ultra-precise and high-tech optical components and to be capable of further miniaturization, reliable and extremely precise measurement technology is required. Both the introduced measurement systems as well as the results of round robin measurements show the enormous potential of this field of technology. In addition, a great need for comparability, standardization and proximity to users was also pointed out.

Save the NEW DATE  - 14th HLEM 2025, March 24 - 26, 2025!

R e g i s t e r   H E R E !

Find here the Call for Measurements and Contributions

Find here the Program Flyer

Find here the Program-Perview

Find here the Detailed Program


This HLEM 2025 website will be actualized regularily, do you need any information that is currently not avaliable here?

Don´t hesitate to contact Mr. Klawitter in our administrative office!


HLEM in Spring 2025

Our upcoming 14th HLEM 2025 is dedicated to the presentation of measurement results of current lenses (6 parts), discussion and dissemination of new developments and recent scientific results in asphere and free form metrology for reflective and transmissive surfaces. With this broader scope we aim to supplement our previous events while also addressing asphere and free form metrology to interested scientists, developers and manufacturers.

The samples are available for measurements through kind support of Asphericon, Leica Camera, Innolite, Leibniz IOM and Edmund Optics. The marks on the glass samples were realized by NTG.

HLEM 2023 Lenses 1

The following samples are available:

freeform “wild” - 36 mm (#7.1) - mounted

freeform “mild” - 36 mm (#8.1) - mounted

double-sided asphere concave 28 mm (#10.1)  - unmounted

asphere metal mould insert 4,6 mm (#11.1)

asphere lens 10 mm (#12.1) - unmounted

double sided asphere convex 25 mm (#13.1) - unmounted


Planned Main Topics of HLEM 2025

Several companys and institutions are planning to perform measurements on the available samples.
Main topic of the conference will be the presentation of the measurement results of the four samples.


Main Topic:

Measurement of small lenses

Presentation of the results of the round robin

Comparison of current results

The following topics are also of interest:

Additional Topics:

New developments in measuring techniques for aspherical, free-form and cylindrical lenses

Measurement of unmounted aspheres

Measurement of endoscope optics

Measurement of mobile phone optics

Inner centration of aspheres

Other topics related to asphere and free-form metrology or production

D o w n l o a d    h e r e   the Detailed Program!

D o w n l o a d    h e r e   the Program Flyer!


Y o u r   c h a n c e   t o   j o i n !

Would you like to perform measurements and give a presentation?

Would you like to receive more details of the "round robin" samples?

Would you like to give a lecture without measurements?

Are you interested in participating?

Are you interested in participating in the supporting exhibition?


Please send an e-mail with your request to: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!

D o w n l o a d   h e r e   your  registration!


YSA 2025 - Young Scientist Award 

Awarding the 6th Young Scientist Award (YSA) will round out the programme!

In addition to the scientific part of the event, which focuses on the topic of asphere metrology, the CC UPOB e.V. will award a prize for the 6th time in 2025. Young scientists (Bachelor, Master, PhD-Student or Post-Doc up to 3 years after the end of their academic education) have opportunity to present their work to an interested specialist audience during the High-Level Expert Meeting. By a jury of the participants the best work will be selected and priced.

Submissible topics are scientific papers from the following fields of activity:

precision methods e.g. MRF, SPDT, IBF ...

approaches to additive precise optics production

cleaning and coating, multi-layer coatings

metrology and data analysis in production chain for aspheres and freeforms

ultra-flatness; diffraction base plates; nanostructures

Applicants have the opportunity to apply with an abstract in english with a picture and 250 words by January 12, 2025 at the CC UPOB e.V. office.

At the beginning of the conference, the pre-selected works will be presented by the candidates in a short presentation.
During the breaks, the participants can continue to find out about the topics in a poster session.
At the end of the conference, the award ceremony will take place.

You will find more details in HLEM Call for Papers and also in HLEM Program Flyer (coming soon).


Key Dates

Measurement Schedule:

Start of measurements:
   April 15, 2024

Deadline for performing measurements:
   November 30, 2024

Application for measurements:
   closed for HLEM 2025, interested? Please send an e-mail to our administrative office

Deadline to submit measured data:
   Not later than 2 weeks after end of your measurement period

Participation Schedule:

Conference Dates:
   March 24-26, 2025

Abstract deadline „none measurement contributions“:
   December 15, 2024

Deadline for:

Deadline to submit author & title:
   December 15, 2024

Deadline to submit presentation slides:
   (to download by registered participants)
   March 24, 2025

Exhibition Schedule:

Deadline registration for industrial exhibition:
   March 1, 2025 


Start registration: OPEN
   Autum 2024 (download registration form here)

Deadline registration:
   March 1, 2025


Organizational Details

Date of Meeting:
   March 24-26, 2025


   Please register by letter, fax or E-Mail using the registration form.
   Following this you will receive an invoice and confirmation.

Attendance fee:
   Lecturers: € 250 (1st person)
   Members: € 250
   Non-members / others: € 650

   Please pay in advance after you have received the invoice.

Recommended Accomodation:
   The hotel situation during the HLEM and the Trade Fair W3+ in Wetzlar is relaxed.
   We have not reserved a contingent, we recommend the following hotels:

Get Together::

Conference Dinner:

Conference Location:

==> details are coming soon

   Learn more about all downloadable files of this event here



Mr. Heiko Klawitter
Tel.: +49 531 592-5131
Fax.: +49 531 592-69-5131
Please send e-mails to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!

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